Save the date: Legendary GTI Meeting to be held in Wolfsburg from July 26 – 28, 2024

  • Volkswagen is bringing the fan meet back to the home of the brand
  • Many events for the GTI community and brand fans planned around the VfL Wolfsburg stadium
  • Held since 1982, the GTI Meeting moves from Lake Wörthersee to the Mittellandkanal venue in 2024

Wolfsburg – Under the motto “Coming Home – Reloaded”, Wolfsburg will become the new home for the GTI fan community next summer: The legendary meet will take place in the vicinity of the VfL Wolfsburg stadium from July 26 – 28, 2024 and will be organized in cooperation with the Autostadt. In addition to vehicle presentations, stage shows and club meets, there will be many other activities and surprises for GTI enthusiasts.

As Imelda Labbé, Member of the Board of Management for Sales, Marketing and After Sales at Volkswagen Passenger Cars, explained: “The GTI isn’t the only icon – the GTI Meeting has also acquired cult status over the decades. We feel it’s important to give the GTI community a new home at the heart of our brand here in Wolfsburg!” Volkswagen is giving fans plenty of time to make their plans by announcing the date early: The big GTI party will be held on the last weekend in July 2024.

GTI – these three letters have stood for sportiness, emotions and dynamics for almost half a century. The fan community all over the world is still growing today and the cult brand enthusiasts meet regularly in clubs and exchange information with one another in GTI communities. Since 1982, the largest GTI meet has traditionally taken place at Lake Wörthersee in Austria. However, in early 2023 the Maria Wörth local municipality announced it no longer wished to host the annual event. Volkswagen therefore decided to bring the GTI Meeting home to Wolfsburg. Official GTI meets – complementing the Lake Wörthersee events – were already held outside the gates of the Volkswagen factory back in 2017 and 2018.


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